Does acupuncture hurt?
Does acupuncture hurt? It's the most common question among would-be patients.
Because acupuncture needles are so thin, insertion causes little to no discomfort. Once the needle reaches its effective depth, you may feel one or more of the five sensations, referred to as "de qi," which indicate that the targeted acupuncture point is being properly treated:
Akin to the first sip of a warm cup of tea.
Like a brush of chilled air when stepping outdoors.
Dull aching
The temporary feeling of a slight pressure.
Gradual, gentle weight near the treatment site.
A mild, reflexive jolt triggered by nerve stimulation.
To ensure a pleasant treatment experience, it helps to have a qualified, veteran practitioner at the helm. Patients all across Memphis and the Mid-South have trusted Barry Song to keep them safe and living in wellness for over 30 years.
Don't just take our word for it.
We asked a few of our patients what acupuncture treatment felt like. Here's what they had to say:
Many of our patients come routinely for relaxation and therapeutic purposes - not for any ailment or illness in particular.
How relaxing could acupuncture be if there was any substantial pain involved?
So does acupuncture hurt?
Injury and illness cause hurt. Acupuncture does what it has for thousands of years - help free people from pain and live in wellness.
If you're suffering or in pain, come and rediscover good health at Acupuncture and Acupressure Center.